Who We Are

We live this. We ski. We snowboard. We love the mountains. We are not illunimati, marketers, or even particularly gifted skiers. Just people passionate about snow, challenging the norm, and occasionally breaking the rules. We are inclined to think that skiing's most iconic brands started with a simple dream, much like each winter starts with a single snowflake.

We never regret dropping everything to ski powder when everything lines up and conditions are all time.. and we believe you should never apologize for doing what makes you feel most alive.


The concept for Superior was mainly created during one week in September 2020 and perfected over the course of the winters that followed. 

Our mission is simple - protect the rider, and the places we ride.

Made In Italy

Our goggles are crafted with the support of a talented, discrete team of 3D engineers, artists, and skiers located on the periphery of the Italian Alps. 

They believe that technology can enhance craftsmanship, but cannot replace it - a total commitment to quality.


You may notice our logo resembles a certain, stale, fashion brand based in New York City.

This is by design.

Superior is a low-key collective of skiers, athletes and creatives with deep mountain roots and no physical storefront.

This stands in clear contrast to an urban corporation that, in fact, stole its design identity from the work of conceptual artist Barbara Kruger.

Superior represents the opposite of this brand. It is equilibrium. It is symmetry. It is the future.

Like the peak that shares its name, the brand remains unapologetically - Superior.